Forest of UNIX



Welcome to Forest of UNIX. This is my personal website Here I write articles and blog posts about mostly writing software and finance.

Furthermore I want to explicitly state that I do not use any AI to write the content on my website. As I view it as low effort and that the content produced with it lacks value. I might use AI to validate ideas or perform research but none of the text on my website will be written by AI. It will be painfully human for better or for worse.

If you want to be updated about new blog posts you can subscribe to my RSS feed. The button below when pressed copies the link to your clipboard:


Date Note
(9/5/2023 Tuesday) Forest of UNIX has a new domain (!
(16/12/2022 Friday) Added the NSE webring.
(13/11/2022 Sunday) Forest of UNIX turns a year old
(25/05/2022 Wednesday) Added a changelog.
(10/05/2022 Tuesday) Added random background selection.
(28/02/2022 Monday) Added website of friends.
(03/12/2022 Friday) Forest of UNIX now has a SSL certificate.
(30/11/2021 Wednesday) Forest of UNIX goes public and has a domain (!
(30/11/2021 Wednesday) Added Posts.
(13/11/2021 Saturday) Forest of UNIX is born!